Clemson Center for Career and Professional Development

Mason KressCo-op Ambassador:
Mason Kress       

Major: Mechanical Engineering
Graduation Date: May 2019
Co-op Company: Ethicon

Why did you decide to co-op?
I decided to co-op because my classes were very theoretical and I didn’t know what engineers actually do in a real job. I figured that a co-op would give me experience and confirm whether or not engineering was the right path for me.

What types of projects did you work on?
Most of my projects related to improving quality at my site. This looked like designing and validating machinery to reduce defects and changing processes to be lower risk and more efficient.

Describe your relationship with your mentor(s) and other colleagues:
I had a great relationship with my mentor and the other employees at my plant. They taught me about engineering in a practical sense and were able to mentor me on my career path. I consider a lot of them to be my friends and are good connections for the future.

What was your most memorable moment on assignment?
My most memorable moment was the first time I saw one of the pieces I designed in action on the production line. It was a cool knowing that I had engineered a machine that would save the company money. It also validated all the semesters I had spent in a classroom learning theoretical material.

What aspect of your co-op assignment do you feel will be the most beneficial after you graduate?
I learned a ton about communication in the engineering world and I believe that will be most beneficial for me after graduation. Engineering environments are dynamic and fast paced so I think I will be able to adjust to my next job quickly.

What advice do you have for other students looking to complete the co-op program?
My main advice would be to start looking at which industries interest you and try to find a co-op in that industry. If you know you want to be in the automotive industry, for example, having a co-op with an automotive company will give you a huge advantage over other graduates who just have internships, etc.