Clemson Center for Career and Professional Development

 Lindsay BjerkenCo-op Ambassador:
Lindsay Bjerken                

Major: Industrial Engineering
Graduation Date: May 2017
Co-op Company: BMW Manufacturing

Why did you decide to co-op?
I decided to co-op after hearing some students talk about it in my general engineering class. It seemed to make more sense than a semester long internship. Also the idea of the co-op office setting up interviews and guiding you through the process was really appealing.

What types of projects did you work on?
I worked on mostly process improvement projects, which was really great because it related to my coursework as an IE. I worked on less technical projects than most co-ops at BMW, and got a lot of opportunities to meet with management and work on bigger picture projects, like how the specialists tested vehicles, and the process of reporting those defects to development in Germany.

Describe your relationship with your mentor(s) and other colleagues:
I received a mentor who was a younger engineer in my department. We met every week to discuss my projects and how they were going and any concerns I might have. I also met with my manager once a week where he assigned me work and oversaw my progress. These one-on-ones were the most valuable to me because he took the time to really invest in me as an employee and make sure my experience was as good as it could be. I really liked getting to meet with both of them because they both held different perspectives on my projects.

What was your most memorable moment on assignment?
I think it was a project where I was with management and discussing a project and they asked me for my opinion. It felt really great to know that I was valued in a room with people who’d been with the company for 15+ years.

What aspect of your co-op assignment do you feel will be the most beneficial after you graduate?
The professional growth and experience I got. It gave me great experience working in a professional environment and developing relationships at work.
I learned a lot about how to act in a professional environment, and how important personal relationships can be. One of my favorite parts of my co-ops was the friendships I made in the workplace, and how that made work more enjoyable for everyone. It taught me a lot about public speaking, too, and I feel much better presenting in front of a crowd.

Describe an instance where you applied something from your coursework to your co-op assignment, or vice versa?
Dr. Riggs loves to call on his IE students that have co-op experience in his class. Once or twice I was able to answer his questions because of my co-op! I was also able to apply Dr. Neyens’ human factors class on the production floor. We were able to relocate sensors and replace some mats on the floor for a more safe and comfortable experience for the employees! I also know that I will have to apply my VBA skills and write macros when I am back in the spring!