Clemson Center for Career and Professional Development

Below are the skills that employers and graduate/professional schools value regardless of what career field you study or pursue. As you progress through college, this plan will help you sharpen and articulate these core competencies making you competitive in the global economy and ever-changing world of work!


Communication - Engaging in dialouge that leads to productive outcomes and points of connection by effectively atriculating one's self to individuals within and outside of one's industry or area of expertise.


Collaboration - Developing authentic and mutually beneficial relationships by valuing everyone and taking responsibility for one's role within a team.


Leadership - Being able to recognize, respect, develop, and capitialize on the unique strengths of individuals from all backgrounds and being an active member in a group that achieves a shared vision.




Adaptability - Taking the initiative to further enhance one's skill set and being creative with ways of thinking or approaches that allow for action, reflection, failure, and resilience in an ever-changing world.


Analytical Skills -Seizing the opportunity for organizational improvement that prompts critical thinking and problem solving by obtaining, processing and sythethesizing information.


Technology - Employing current and emerging software and tools to solve general and industry-specific challenges.


 Analytical Skills 


Self-Awareness - Understanding one’s strengths, limitations, emotions, and biases in a variety of situations and articulating how one’s interests, skills, and values align with educational and professional goals.


Integrity and Ethics - Making choices and consistently acting in a manner that displays integrity (following internal principles, morals, and values) and ethics (following external laws, rules, and norms) in personal and professional settings.


Brand - Demonstrating the continual development of a positive impression or image in every facet of life while seeking feedback from others to ensure congruence between one’s intended and perceived reputation.


 Integrity and Ethics 
